Winter weather can be tough on diesel fleets, resulting in costly downtime and lost profits. Common cold weather culprits include battery issues, poor cold starts, loss of fuel economy, diesel fuel gelling, and clogged fuel lines. Here are a few cost-effective, preventive maintenance tips to keep your fleet operational in inclement cold weather.

Diesel fuel can start to gel at 32 degrees F. Gelled fuel will not just ruin your fuel economy, but it could leave you stranded on the side of the road with a fuel-starved engine and plugged fuel filter. Using an anti-gel fuel additive, like Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Winter Anti-gel, will not only prevent your fuel from gelling, but it will also stabilize your fuel and provide a needed cetane boost for improved fuel economy.
Why is an anti-gel important? Once your vehicle has been exposed to frigid cold temperatures, the fuel lines and fuel filter can become clogged by the crystalizing diesel fuel. Diesel is comprised of straight and branched-chain hydrocarbons, also called paraffin waxes, that become solid around 17.5 degrees for #2 Diesel. The amount of paraffin wax diesel contains depends on the kind of crude oil used to produce the diesel fuel and the process used to manufacture it.
So, what if your truck’s diesel fuel has already gelled? A deicer, like Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Winter Rescue can help. Diesel Winter Rescue is a fully formulated emergency product that contains a military-grade deicer and lubricity additive. It quickly re-liquefies gelled fuel and deices frozen fuel filters to restore the power and flow of fuel to the engine.
Using a synthetic lubricant can be a game-changer for your diesel engine. Synthetic lubricants are capable of handling low temperatures much better than traditional lubricants, providing increased energy efficiency. Synthetic oils have better viscosity than conventional mineral oils and can flow more quickly during the cold weather of the winter months. As a bonus, synthetic oil also allows extra time between oil changes without damaging the engine for additional savings. Changing your oil, preferably to a lighter viscosity in the winter will help improve flow within the engine.
Lubrication Specialties recommends using a full synthetic from its Blue Diamond line of motor oils. Hot Shot’s Secret Blue Diamond Engine Oil infused with FR3 nano technology reduces wear, lowers oil consumption, improves fuel economy, and reduces friction. Changing your oil with a 100% PAO formula, nano lubricant and CK-4 additive package will decrease wear and tear on your engine, improve fuel economy, and fight against stiction, i.e., varnish buildup in your engine. It is always smart to choose an oil appropriate to the environment where your fleet operates. Blue Diamond engine oil, available in a 5w-40, 15w-40, and 10w-30 viscosity, has a wider operating temperature range making it ideal for cold weather use.
Antifreeze is a winter essential for any vehicle braving the cold winter temperatures. Antifreeze keeps the water in both your radiator and engine from freezing when outside temperatures begin to drop. Changing your vehicle’s antifreeze at the intervals your manufacturer recommends can prevent rust from building up inside your cooling system. Hot Shot’s Secret has several options for antifreeze that are pre-mixed and keeps the guesswork out of winter maintenance. Hot Shot’s Secret’s Global Extended Life 50/50 prediluted antifreeze for diesel and gas is pre-charged with a supplemental coolant additive to extend coolant efficacy up to 750,000 miles. For heavy-duty engines, Hot Shot’s Secret offers an SCA extended life 50/50 coolant for 150,000 maintenance-free miles that is compatible with conventional and other extended life brands.
Between season changes, it’s important to keep your fuel tank full to prevent condensation. Condensation occurs when there are large jumps in temperature, which can wreak havoc on the injector tips and the engine. It can be a hassle to go to a fuel station every day, so keeping some jerry cans filled with fuel in a place with a consistent temperature can eliminate extra trips to the fuel station.
Taking a few precautions to fortify your fleet for cold weather will keep your fleet operational even as the weather dips below -30 degrees.
Find out more about Hot Shot’s Secret’s full line of products developed for gas and diesel cold weather defense or one of over 50 high-performance specialty additives and oils developed to ensure your vehicle’s protection and optimum performance, visit