
Building Your Brand


social medial

Work truck companies that have adopted social media already know the competitive advantages that an online presence brings. If your company isn’t yet using social media or hasn’t given the differing aspects of each social media platform consideration, now is the time to get started.


With social media, you have the tools to reach your customers and employees (or potential customers and employees) in real time, inviting them into your company culture while showcasing your work and your company’s vision. With today’s trends in technology, your customers are likely already talking about you online, and with a strong online presence you have the opportunity to engage with them in the digital space.

Some benefits to strengthening your company’s online presence:

Show your community involvement.
Most of us are involved in our local communities, whether it be as sponsors of a little league team, members of our local chamber, or a multitude of other ways. Why not let others know by connecting with local organizations through their social media pages? You will both benefit from the added exposure, and it shows your customers that you care about your community.

Display your best work.
After a job well done, snap a quick photo to post on your social media page. It’s less time consuming than updating your website each time you have new content, and it is the perfect place to showcase your best work. You have the opportunity to be your own referral by showing what makes your company a better choice for customers.

Educate your consumers.
One major benefit of having an active social media presence is getting to establish your company and employees as experts in your field. You are now available to answer questions, post facts, and give explanations of some of your more technical work. One way to get online users involved is to create a custom hashtag for anyone who wants to ask you a technical question. Easy ways to start incorporating hashtags include #TechTalk or #TruckTuesday.


Now that you’ve decided to set up your social media accounts, what’s next? One of the first things you need to think about is the voice of your company. How do you want to come off to consumers? Maybe you’re friendly and safety oriented; maybe you’re knowledgeable with a sense of humor? Once you decide, it’s time to create content. Make sure whatever your strategy may be, it all fits into your company voice.

Even if you’ve been active on social media for years, fresh content is always helpful, ensuring your page doesn’t stale over time. Below are some easy content-generating ideas used at my company:

  • Look at national “day of the week” calendars. For instance, did you know that July 20 is National Ugly Truck Day? You can hashtag #uglytruck with a photo (noting how different an ugly truck is compared to your fleet or maybe why #uglytruck means your truck is doing its job) to join in the fun. Using hashtags is also a useful way for new followers to find you.
  • Ever held or attended a Touch-A-Truck event or something similar? Ask around or search online for an event in your area and post photos once the day arrives.
  • Besides photos of your day-to-day work, posting on employee birthdays, work anniversaries, or any other special moment will help your followers feel like part of the team.

There are many different approaches to creating a strategy when inventing content for your social media platforms as each platform is designed to reach a slightly different audience. For instance, LinkedIn is a great tool for business-to-business marketing because it’s where professionals connect. Facebook is ideal for events, seasonal specials, and company updates. Instagram is where you can show photos from a recent job, a customer worksite, or your office showroom. Depending on your goals, focusing on certain social media platforms may fit the needs of your company better than others.

Overall, whether your company already has a social media strategy or is considering implementing one, having a way for your consumers to connect with you online—and a place to build your company brand—only makes you stand out more when compared to your competitors. Social media is a strong tool for highlighting your specific talents and what sets your company apart from the competition.


Emily Willis is the marketing director for Blossman Gas serving the Southeastern US and Alliance AutoGas, serving North America. Emily holds a BA from James Madison University; is a member of the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) Marketing, Development, and Outreach Advisory Committee; and was named an LP Gas Rising Leader in the inaugural 2017 class. She and her husband enjoy exploring the mountains of Western North Carolina with their dog. Contact Emily at


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